Expungement Process in Wisconsin

Having your record expunged means that your name is stricken or sealed from court records pertaining to your case. Eligibility requirements for expungement in Wisconsin are very limited and, as a result, expungements are rare and difficult to obtain. That doesn’t mean they’re impossible.

What are the requirements for expungement in Wisconsin?

Wisconsin law states that the following requirements must be met for your record to be expunged:

  • • You must have been under the age of 25 at the time you committed the crime.
  • • You served no more than six years in prison.
  • • You completed your sentence.

Further, you are only eligible for expungement if you request it when you are originally sentenced, not after serving your sentence. Even then, a court may not grant the expungement.

There are a few other circumstances when a charge can be expunged. If you were not convicted of the crime, you may be eligible to have the arrest expunged from your record. Additionally, if you were found guilty of prostitution as a result of human trafficking, you do not have to meet the above age requirement and can have your record expunged at any time.

Can my DUI be expunged?

If the above requirements are met, your DUI may be eligible for expungement. If not, working with a qualified DUI attorney is even more important. The attorneys at Tracey Wood & Associates have a successful record of getting charges overturned or dismissed.

If you have been convicted of or plead guilty to criminal charges in Wisconsin, contact the attorneys at Tracey Wood & Associates to schedule a free review of your case discuss your options for a clear record.


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