Misdemeanor Battery in Wisconsin

The charge of misdemeanor battery, otherwise known as assault, carries serious penalties in Wisconsin. Battery means inflicting “bodily harm” on another person on purpose and without their consent. Bodily harm includes injury, sickness, physical impairment, and physical pain. “Another person” can include unborn children.

The severity of the charge is determined by the extent of injuries, the type of weapon used, if any, and the amount of violence inflicted upon the victim.

How is misdemeanor battery defined in Wisconsin?

A number of factors must be proven in order for someone to be convicted of misdemeanor battery. These include:

  • • Causing bodily harm to the victim.
  • • Intending to cause that harm.
  • • Causing that harm without the victim’s consent.
  • • Causing that harm knowing the victim does not consent.


What are the punishments for battery in Wisconsin?

Misdemeanor battery is a Class A misdemeanor that carries fines up to $10,000 and as much as nine months in prison.

What are the possible defenses to battery charges?

An experienced lawyer will investigate all angles to determine the best possible strategy in court. Self-defense or defense of other people is a common argument. Your lawyer could also try to prove that consent existed. Finally, an alibi could prove your innocence.

What to do if you’re accused of misdemeanor battery in Wisconsin?

The penalties for misdemeanor battery can be severe, but the attorneys at Tracey Wood & Associates don’t give up on fighting for the best possible outcome. We’ve defended clients accused of battery before and had charges dismissedContact us to schedule a free review of your case.


Call (608) 490-5779 or Schedule a Free Case Evaluation Online

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